Sunday, October 9, 2016

GreenFlow’s Low Cost Upgrade for Level

The industry’s first low cost all plastic battery operated ultrasonic level sensors has been released by Levelpro. It is the Viewsonic; perfect for all different non-contact level applications. This is a long ranged ultrasonic level sensor, perfect for large or small tanks. The polypropylene material make is very corrosive resistant and can be used for both indoor or outdoor applications. With the option to wirelessly connect this to a local display and leak detection switch for those double walled tanks. The industry has been looking for something like this for a very long time. When dealing with smaller tanks or 55 gallon drums, there really is not low cost solution to get a non-contact level sensor and local display. This is why the Levelpro ViewSonic battery operated ultrasonic level sensor will be the first in its class and already taking the chemical field by storm.

One of our major customers GreenFlow Environmental is in charge of several 55 gallon drums and the waste removal of hundreds of different chemicals and dyes. The Levelpro ViewSonic battery operated Ultrasonic Level Sensor is the perfect solution. Its low cost allows the company to purchase several to monitor each of the 55 gallon drums. The non-contact ultrasonic technology allows them to measure any chemical without fear of corrosion occurring to the unit. The long lasting battery keeps the continuous level measurement active for upwards of 3 years.

The Levelpro Viewsonic Baterry Operated Level Sensor’s LCD display is consistently backlit for easy reading in bright or dim locations always showing a bar graph of current level. The Viewsonic also has a 1% accuracy rating and flashes a red LED light when the tank or drum is empty or full. GreenFlow is constantly changing drums so the easy installation is a crucial feature with this product. Also with the distance between some of these drums, they are liking the wireless display they can have on their desk for those drums too far to walk to daily. Since the Levelpro Viewsonic battery operated ultrasonic level sensor is able to ‘talk’ to the display from over 200M this is perfect. GreenFlow also has the ability to change the setup for each of these Levelpro ViewSonic Battery Operated Ultrasonic Level Sensor with just one of the local display. They really only need one local display to set up all the different tanks and level sensors.

GreenFlow has continued to use the Levelpro ViewSonic Battery Operated Ultrasonic Level Sensor for all of their applications that require a local level measurement. With the large range, low cost units, there is no application it cannot assist with. The Viewsonic Ultrasonic Level Sensor is great for double walled tanks, chemical storage, chemical sumps, remote application, chemical feed totes and sump drums. Since there is no wiring required it make the set up easy, Also, with the Stillwell adaptor accessory for tanks with internal structures, it is no issue if you have mixers etc. included in your application. We have continued to find new applications the Levelpro Viewsonic Battery Operated Ultrasonic Level Sensor can be used for. It may be endless.

Our more product: Liquid Level Sensor

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